October 18, 2008

Senior Art Show

Trying to get more paintings out of my system. These are a few of the pieces from last year's senior art exhibition.

September 7, 2008

Shitty day.

It's about two in the morning. I've been watching A Fistful of Dollars and drawing from the Jacques Cousteau book the Eden bought me years ago.

This was a awful day, and I hoped that a drink and some drawing would help, but they didn't.

August 31, 2008

New Drawings

This is a new drawing series I've been working on. I ask my subject to pick five small objects, and I draw them. It's a quick way of doing portraits of people through subjects that they find visually interesting. So far, I've only worked with Eden. I may pick my own five objects soon.

February 2, 2008

Ackerman Studio

I've been trying to spend a lot of time at my new studio. The school lets art seniors use the warehouse off the side of Ackerman for work space. I haven't had much use for it, since we have an extra room, but now I'm trying to make the most of it while it's available to me.

January 28, 2008

Old Paintings

Getting these old paintings out of my system so I can move on to new work.

These are both from a couple years ago, when I was just beginning to paint. One of me, and one of Eden.

This is a little later on. I was trying to build of series of superheroes doing boring things.

These are from last year. These are the two that convinced me that I wanted to be a painter.

A remake of a Goya painting titled "Colossus."

The Aquaman painting that I did for a local fan film. It is my most recent finished painting.
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